(07) 4928 9495

1/287 Richardson Road
Kawana Q 4701

Non-Scalpel VasectomyVasectomy Rockhampton

Non-Scalpel Vasectomy is a simple, safe surgical procedure for permanent male fertility control. Using a single puncture technique in the scrotum, the Tube (called a “vas”) which leads from the testicle is cut and sealed to stop sperm from leaving. . The puncture seldom requires suturing or stitches. The procedure usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes and is performed as an out-patient procedure in the doctor’s surgery under local anaesthetic injection.

Since the procedure simply interrupts the delivery of sperm, it does not change hormonal function – leaving sexual drive and potency unaffected.

The primary difference between non-scalpel vasectomy compared to the conventional vasectomy is that the vas deferens is controlled and grasped in a less traumatic manner. This results in less pain and fewer postoperative complications.

The non-scalpel technique is simply a more elegant and less traumatic way to control the vas and proceed with sperm flow interruption.

Dr Michael Donohue  and Dr Ajay Mistry both have extensive  training in performing a  Non-Scalpel Vasectomy. Make an appointment to discuss a treatment plan for you. For further information please do not hesitate to contact our practice.



Initial Consult – $148.00

Medicare Rebate –  $82.90

Total Out-Of-Pocket – $65.10


Procedure – $790.00

Medicare Rebate –  $222.65

Total Out-Of-Pocket – $567.35