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Kawana Q 4701

Skin Cancer Prevention & TreatmentSkin Cancer Prevention & Treatment

In our harsh Australian climate, skin cancer prevention is vital to protect your skin and eyes from the damaging effect of the sun. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation contributes to sun damaged and ageing skin and it is the main cause of skin cancer.

Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, with 2 in 3 Australians diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70 years. Prevention, early diagnosis and management of skin cancer is essential.

No matter what time of day, the weather, or what you are doing, cover up!


More than 434,000 Australian are treated for skin cancers each year. Of these over 14,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed.

Each year there are around 2000 deaths from melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.

Anyone can develop skin cancer, regardless of their skin colour or general health. The UV radiation is so strong in Australia, even very dark and olive skinned people still need to protect their skin.


Have comprehensive Skin Checks annually by an experienced Doctor.

Qualified doctors at Complete Skin Solutions can provide thorough skin checks for patients. Our doctors have been trained to easily identify suspect moles or lesions, and provide recommendations as to the appropriate treatment.

Don’t leave it too late – book your skin cancer check now!

How to protect your skin

With over 950,000 Australians treated for non-melanoma skin cancer per year, skin cancer prevention and regular skin checks are essential.

Fortunately, being SunSmart is a simple and effective way to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer and protect your skin from sun damage.

Skin Cancer Prevention MethodsCancer Council Queensland recommends that everyone protect their skin every day with a combination of these five steps:

  • Broad spectrum and water resistant
  • Applied liberally to clean, dry skin at least 20 minutes before going outside
  • Reapplied every two hours
  • Used with other forms of protection such as hats and shade.

  • Broad-brimmed and provides good protection for the face, nose, neck and ears, which are common sites for skin cancers (caps and visors do not provide adequate protection)
  • Made with closely woven fabric – if you can see through it, UV radiation will get through.
  • Worn with sunglasses and sunscreen to increase your level of protection.

  • Making use of trees or built shade structures, or bring your own pop-up tent or umbrellas.
  • Making sure your shade structure casts a dark shadow and using other protection (such as clothing, hats, sunglasses and sunscreen) to avoid reflected UV radiation from nearby surfaces.

  • With a broad-brimmed hat to reduce UV radiation exposure to the eyes by up to 98 per cent
  • To children as well as adults
  • That are close-fitting wrap-around style that meet the Australian Standard AS 1067 and provide an Eye Protection Factor (EPF) of 9 or above.

Source: https://cancerqld.org.au/cancer-prevention/understanding-risk/being-sunsmart/


Skin Cancer Prevention ProductsComplete Skin Solutions & Specialist Centre offers a range of high quality, affordable sun protection products to help keep you safe from the sun’s damaging UV rays.

Check out our products for more information.

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